Our Camera
- Superior image quality
- Down hole view with radial tilt and zoom
- Infinite camera rotation
- Auto focus and iris with manual override
- Selectable LED light intensity to enhance picture clearly
land inspection
We will help you to minimise operating costs and maximise production by:
- Ascertaining the condition of your bore
- Post-earthquake condition assessment
- Identifying causes of reduced flow
Pinpointing problem areas of deterioration, infiltration, casing and screen damage - Eliminating unnecessary pump wear and repair cost
Borehole Camera Services
We see what you’re missing.
Borehole Camera Services offers a skilled diagnosis of bore condition based on over 40 years’ experience drilling and maintaining water bores. With our service, depth is no limit. We can inspect bores from 100mm to 750mm plus diameter. Our camera is rated for depths of 1000 metres.